Contacting Customer Service When Online Shopping

Tips on How to Save Money When Shopping

Shopping is very addictive. Most of the time, the household budget is sacrificed once you go shopping. Shopping should not give you headaches as long as you know how to budget. Here are the things that you need to remember:

1. Always remember to spend your money wisely whenever you go shopping. Bring only the exact amount of money you need in buying your items. To ensure that you only buy the important things, you have to make a list of the items that you need to buy. You may then budget your money wisely and will prevent you from buying things that are not that important.

2. It is advisable that you compare prices from different stores before buying an item. Do not limit yourself to just one store. There are stores that offer the same quality but can have a lower price. A smart thing you may do is to be attentive to the prices of the items that you buy regularly when shopping. There are instances that a store has an untimely changing of prices on different items.

3. It is recommended that you do your shopping during the end of the season. Prices of many items, especially clothes, are very low and affordable during this time of the year. You may buy clothes in the months of August and September if you are looking for bargain clothes for your summer wear.

4. You may shop in dollar stores where you can find items that are on sale and where prices are low. Although the quality of some items is not the same when you buy in malls and shopping galleries but the merchandises are still new and not yet used. These stores can provide you the best prices that can cope with on your budget.

5. Another way to save money while shopping is to economize the travel you make in finding the stores you want to buy an item. You may take a stop on your daily route to check if the items you buy regularly have not changed their prices or are still in the price of your budget. You may purchase the item even before you do your shopping schedule. This can save you fuel and time.

6. Try to find discount stores that offer quality items that have discounts and can offer a very affordable price on your desired item. The prices on discount stores may vary depending on the season of the year. These stores can be located in large shopping areas like in malls and shopping galleries.

Easy Returns with Online Shopping

One of the main concerns potential online shoppers have about the process of shopping online is whether or not it will be possible to return items which were purchased online. This is certainly a valid concern but fortunately for these wary shoppers making returns when online shopping is not very difficult. There are usually a few different options for making returns when online shopping.

However, online shoppers should always be aware of return policies before they make an online purchase. This article will discuss a couple of the options for making returns when online shopping including returning the items to a traditional store and shipping the items back to the online retailer.

Returning Online Purchases to a Traditional Store

Online retailers who also have traditional stores often allow consumers to return items to the regular store instead of having to ship the item back to the online retailer. This is generally an option for large retailers who have a number of stores available. Consumers may want to purchase an item online for a number of reasons. The consumer may wish to make the purchase online because the item is not currently in stock at a local store, because the local store does not carry the item or simply because ordering the item online is more convenient for the consumer.

Still other consumers may opt to purchase the item online because the online retailer does not have a traditional store located near the consumer. In these cases the consumer would likely opt to ship the item back to the online retailer. However, in the other cases, as long as it is convenient, the consumer may wish to simply return the item to a traditional store.

The process of returning items purchased online to a traditional store is often as simple as making a return on an item that was not purchased online. The consumer may simply have to bring the item with its original packaging and the receipt to the store. The consumer may then be able to receive an exchange, store credit or a refund depending on the store’s policy.

As with any return there may be rules which apply to whether or not the store will take back the item. These rules may vary from store to store and even with different items purchased from the same store so the consumer should verify these policies before making the purchase.

Other Options for Returning Online Purchases

Consumers who make a purchase online and are dissatisfied with the purchase for any reason may have a number of options available to them for making returns. One of these options is shipping the items back to the online retailer directly. However, there are a number of ways in which this option can be accomplished. In some cases the consumer is responsible for shipping the item back to the online retailer and assumes the financial responsibility for the shipping.

This is usually the case when the consumer wishes the return the item for reasons such as changing his mind about the purchase or purchasing the wrong item. However, in cases where the item purchased from an online retailer is defective or the retailer shipped the wrong item, the online retailer may assume the financial responsibility for having the item shipped. In some cases, the online retailer will mail the consumer a pre-paid packing slip while in other cases the online retailer will arrange to have the package picked up from the consumer’s home.

Understanding Return Policies when Online Shopping

As previously mentioned the return policies can vary from one online retailer to the next and may even vary for different products purchased from the same online retailer. For this reason it is important for consumers to carefully review the return policies before making an online purchase. This is especially important if the consumer is unsure about the product and suspects it may be necessary to return the item. This may be the case with clothing items where the consumer may be unsure whether or not an item will fit.

However, with any purchase there is the potential for the need to exchange the item so consumers should read the return policy carefully and inquire with the retailer if they have any questions about the policy before making a purchase.

Too Many Reasons To Love Shopping

Most women, although not all, love shopping. I’d be lying if I did not place myself in the category of women who love almost nothing more than a great day or two of shopping. There are too many great things about shopping for me to ever stop liking it so much.

For me, one of the biggest reasons I love shopping is because of how relaxing it is. We all know how busy days become busy weeks that become busy months, and once in a while I like to get away from it all by spending an afternoon shopping. Shopping allows me to unwind and to take my mind off all of the more serious things that are happening in life. I can just wander through stores and think about the color of shirt or shoes I am looking for. Of course, living in this sort of dream world would not be healthy all of the time, but once in a while I think it is healthy to escape. Shopping is definitely my preferred method of escape.

Another thing I love about shopping is that it is exciting almost all of the time. I can set out on a shopping trip with one item in mind and end up discovering several other items that I hadn’t thought to buy before. I rarely if ever wander into a store without being pleasantly surprised by at least one item that they have for sale. Shopping is as exciting for me as watching basketball is to my husband. I just cannot get enough of it.

Shopping is a great way for me to connect with friends that I do not often see. Because all of my girlfriends have a love for shopping in common, shopping becomes a great way for us to spend some time together after weeks or months apart. I love that I can go shopping for endless hours with my girlfriends without getting bored. It is fun to shop with people that have unique tastes. I find myself learning from the style of my friends and I gather new ideas for future shopping every time I am with them. Shopping provides us with enough time to share great conversation as well. We never let shopping rush us or distract us from being together, we just shop as we reconnect.

And of course, I must mention that I love shopping because I find great things to wear, to give away, and to decorate my home with whenever I shop. I love to replace old things with new things and to update my style every so often.

It’s official: I, like most women, love shopping. I’m quite sure that it will never be any other way.

Coupons for Online Shopping

Smart online shoppers know there are a variety of ways to save money when shopping online. Comparison shopping and seeking out sales are certainly excellent ways for saving money when shopping online but they are not the only ways an online shopper can save money.

Using coupons and promotional codes can also result in a significant cost savings for online shoppers. This article will discuss methods of finding coupons for online shopping and the importance of understanding the restrictions placed on the use of these coupons.

Finding Coupons for Online Shopping

There are many different coupons and promotional codes available for online shopping. The most common types of coupons and promotional codes available are those which offer a discount on the total purchase price of an order and promotional codes which offer free shipping on an order.

Both of these offers can be financially beneficial to the shopper if he is able to find these valuable offers. There are a number of different ways in which a shopper may acquire coupons and promotional codes for online shopping.

Many online shoppers receive promotional codes for online retailers in catalogs they receive in the mail. These catalogs may include special offers in an attempt to entice the recipient of the catalogue to make a purchase online. The shopper may receive these catalogs because they have made purchased from the online retailer in the past or because the online retailer is advertising to new clients.

Similarly shoppers may receive promotional codes offering discounts via email. This is common for shoppers who belong to buyer’s club organized by the online retailer. These types of clubs typically offer these promotional codes to regular customers to reward them for their consumer loyalty and encourage the shopper to continue to patronize the online retailer.

Still another way for shoppers to find promotional codes for online shopping is via the Internet. There are websites where members frequently post the codes they acquire via catalogs and emails for the benefit of others who may be seeking a discount on a purchase from a particular online retailer. Shoppers can use these promotional codes as long as there are no restrictions on sharing these codes.

Restrictions on Coupons for Online Shopping

Shoppers who utilize coupons and promotional codes while they are online shopping should be aware there may be restrictions on the use of these coupons or promotional codes. Common examples of these restrictions include dates of expiration and required minimum purchase to use the discount.

Similar to coupons which are valid at traditional stores, online coupons or promotional codes usually have an expiration date and the discount is no longer valid after this date. Another common restriction associated to offers of free shipping is a minimum required purchase.

In these cases the consumer must purchase more than a specific dollar amount from the online retailer in order to be eligible for free shipping. Another example of a common restriction on online coupons or promotional codes is a required minimum purchase necessary to receive a discount. In some cases the online retailer may even offer a greater discount to shoppers who are willing to spend more money on products or services.

For example the retailer may offer a 10% discount on purchases of more than $50, a 15% discount on purchases of more than $75 and a 20% discount on purchases of more than $100. With all of these different types of restrictions on online discounts it is important for the consumer to fully understand these restrictions before attempting to use one of these offers.

Correcting Mistakes When Online Shopping

As with any type of shopping it is possible to make mistakes during the process of online shopping. These mistakes may include ordering the wrong item, ordering the correct item in the wrong size or color, providing the wrong shipping address, providing inaccurate billing information, purchasing the wrong quantity of an item and even dealing with mistakes made by the online retailer.

This article will discuss some effective strategies for dealing with mistakes made when online shopping and will also provide some tips for avoiding mistakes when online shopping in the first place.

Contacting Customer Service Immediately

Mistakes made when online shopping are typically realized either immediately after the purchase is made or else they are not realized until the order arrives. However, regardless of when the mistake is realized the first step for correcting the problem is the same.

As soon as an online shopper realizes a mistake was made with his order, he should contact customer service immediately. In situations in which the mistake is realized immediately after the order is placed, correcting the mistake may be fairly simple as long as the online shopper contacts customer service to describe the problem immediately. If the order has not yet been processed, the customer service representative may be able to make the corrections before the order proceeds.

However, many online retailers have their online shopping process completely automated which can make it difficult to make changes to the order even when it is recognized immediately. This may occur because the order has already been transferred to the shipper and the online retailer no longer has the ability to the files.

Even when a consumer does not realize a mistake has been made until the item arrives, he should still contact customer service immediately to report the problem. This is useful because this first call to customer service will start a record of the problem which will be useful in getting the problem resolved. The customer service representative can provide valuable information the consumer can use to rectify the problem as quickly as possible.

Making Returns when Necessary

When mistakes are made with an online purchase, it is often necessary to return the items to the online retailer. Online retailers who also have traditional stores may allow the online shopper to return the items purchased online to a traditional store. The other option for making returns is to ship the item back to the online retailer directly.

Depending on the cause of the mistake there may be different options available for returning the item to the online retailer. If the online retailer is at fault they may assume the responsibility for the cost of the shipping and may even make arrangements to have the shipper pick up the item from the shopper’s home.

This is both cost effective and convenient for the shopper. However, when the shopper is returning the item because he made a mistake or simply did not like the item the consumer will likely be responsible for the cost of shipping the item back to the online retailer.

Tips for Avoiding Mistakes when Online Shopping

Although correcting mistakes made during online shopping is not always difficult it is far better to try to avoid these mistakes in the first place. The best way to avoid mistakes when placing an order online is to carefully review the purchase before submitting the order.

Most online retailers provide shoppers with the opportunity to verify information such as the items being purchased, shipping address and billing information before the purchase is submitted to the online retailer. Online shoppers should carefully review all of the information provided on this verification screen to help avoid making mistakes which can be costly in terms of time or money.

Mistakes when online shopping can also be avoided by placing the order through a customer service representative as opposed to through the online retailer’s website. This method can help to limit the potential for mistakes because the consumer has the opportunity to converse directly with a representative who can answer any questions the consumer has about the product. Therefore, mistakes which often result from the consumer misreading the product description can be avoided.

Shopping In France: Paris and Bordeaux

France offers you an enormous choice of goods, but the quintessential French purchase is clothing, especially designer fashions. If you’re on a budget, window shop at the great fashion houses to get a feel of what you want. Then head for the markets and budget shops to do your actual shopping.

Shopping In Paris

Paris is divided into quarters or arrondissements, each with its own shopping opportunities. Marais is the place for elegance, St-Germain for international fashion brands and Montmartre is dripping with romance.

Paris is of course home to the large French department stores, les grands magasins such as Galeries Lafayette and Printemps and you can spend whole days browsing them. But the sheer joy of shopping in Paris comes from visiting the galleries or passages, the 19th-century glass-roofed shopping arcades that just ooze charm and transform rainy days into shopping adventures.

Bear in mind that most stores in Paris close on Sundays which gives you the opportunity to explore one of the citys many flea markets.

Shopping In Bordeaux

Few people outside Europe realise what a shopper’s paradise Bordeaux truly is. There are some of the world’s most popular brand names on parade here: Cartier, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Mont Blanc, Christian Lacroix, Rolex and Tartine et Chocolat.

The pinnacle of shopping in Bordeaux is the Golden Triangle of the Alles de Tourny, the Cours de l’Intendance and the Cours Clemenceau. This triangle contains the Place des Grands-Hommes, home to the city’s most prestigious shops vending everything from foodstuffs the latest fashions.

You don’t have to shell out your last dollar on upscale designer shops, however. There are plenty of cheaper French chain stores here for you to choose from along with countless locally-owned boutiques where you can get something special at a reasonable price.

And of course don’t forget the wine. The whole Bordeaux region offer their local vintages for sale by the case and at very favorable prices.

Comparison Shopping when Online Shopping

One of the conveniences of online shopping which is enjoyed by many is the ease of comparison shopping. The ability to compare items quickly and accurate is ideal to shoppers who are looking to purchase items which offer the best features as well as to shoppers who are looking to find the best bargain on a particular item.

This article will discuss a few of the ways in which comparison shopping takes place during online shopping including manual comparisons by the consumer and using comparison charts. This article will also discuss how items which are not readily available in traditional stores can be compared quickly and accurately when shopping for these items online.

Conducting Your Own Comparisons

Online shoppers often perform comparisons of items online in much the same way they would compare items available in traditional stores. However, the comparison process is greatly simplified when the consumer is doing the comparison online. When comparing two items a consumer may look at a variety of different aspects. Some of these aspects may include available features, durability, aesthetic appearance and even price.

However, when comparing these items in traditional stores the process can be rather difficult. Consumers can often compare similar items in one store to determine which model of the item they prefer. However, once this comparison is complete the consumer also typically wishes to compare this chosen item with others available in terms of the cost of the item.

This financial comparison typically involves travelling from one store to another and comparing the price of the item at each store to determine which store is offering the item at the most favourable price. Online shoppers may also be interested in comparing the features and prices associated with a particular item but they have the advantage of being able to conduct these comparisons from the convenience of their home.

Consumers can simply sit at their home computer and visit websites for retailers offering items of interest. With this information the consumer can determine which item they wish to purchase and which retailer they wish to patronize. The online shopper can also make this purchase from the convenience of his home rather than having to travel to the selected store to purchase a chosen item.

Using Comparison Charts Available Online

Another great advantage of shopping online is the ability to generate comparison charts of similar items almost instantly. Many online retailers who offer products from a number of different manufacturers also offer the ability to compare these items easily.

In fact many online retailers will enable the online shopper to select several items they are interested in learning more about and then generates a chart outlining the essential features of each product as well as the price for which the product is being offered.

Comparing Items Not Readily Available

Another way in which online shopping is very convenient for comparison shopping is it gives the consumer the opportunity to compare items which are not readily available. This may include items which are new and popular as well as items which are older and rarer. Making these comparisons in traditional stores can be quite difficult because the consumer may not be able to find stores which are currently stocking a particular item.

However, when shopping online it is far easier to find online retailers who offer products which are otherwise hard to fine. Therefore, it is much easier to compare these items online. This is because the comparison can take place even if the online retailer does not have the product available for sale. The online retailer likely has enough of a product description stored to provide readers with a wealth of information about the products which may not currently be available.

Conversely shoppers who rely on traditional stores may spend days, weeks, months or even years waiting for a particular product to become available for comparison purposes.

Shopping in France, a mystical experience

Few people give shopping the same energy, enthusiasm and thought as the French. Whether it’s a trip to the market for lunch ingredients or to an elegant boutique for a new evening gown, they give it their all. For you to truly enjoy the French shopping scene have to do the same.

France is home to a multitude of grand department stores, chain stores, small boutiques and flea markets. But a new concept in French shopping is the parapharmacie. It’s a mixture of chemist shop, health-care store, and beauty product vendor. Factory outlets are also becoming very popular selling off discounted items in boutique-like shops.

Shopping In Paris

It’s easy to spend all your time in Paris browsing at the boutiques and chain stores but for a real Paris shopping experience, you really have to head to the flea markets of which Paris has three. The former haven of gypsies and hustlers, Paris’s flea markets of Paris are visited by everyone in search of a bargain and a lucky find.

The flea market at Porte de Montreuil is one of the cheaper ones. It specialises in old garments, furniture and other household objects. Porte de Vanves flea market sells a bit of everything. The flea market at Saint-Ouen / Porte de Clignancourt is the most celebrated and is often just referred to as the Paris Flea Market. This is the best place to buy antiques. It’s location in a low-rent area so costs are low. Plus it’s a cash only business. This makes it a great place to pick up a bargain but you really need to know what you’re doing.

Flea markets are best visited in the morning when they’re quieter and have more goods available.

Shopping In Nice

Nice is a haven for the jet set and the well-heeled tourist, and the shops, boutiques and markets are ready to cater for them.

The heart of chic shopping in Nice is rue Paradis is a pedestrianised road running north-south linking Place Magenta with Avenue de Verdun. All the luxury designer and jewellery shops are located here making it a window shoppers’ paradise.

For a more relaxed outdoor shopping atmosphere head for the Cours Soleya market in the old town of Nice. This colourful pedestrian district is a favourite meeting place for locals. The streets are lined with stalls and terraced cafes and restaurants. Tuesday to Sunday sees the flower market and fruit and vegetable market, and there’s an antiques fair on Mondays. On summer evenings there’s a nightly arts and crafts market catering mainly for tourists.

Other markets worth visiting in Nice include the March aux Fleurs flower market and March la Brocante, the main flea market. Another flea market at place Robilante on the port opens from Tuesday to Saturday from 9am to 6pm.

Comparing Online Retailers

Just like traditional shoppers online shoppers should carefully compare online retailers before choosing to make purchases from one of these retailers. This is important because not all retailers are created equal. The same product offered from two different online retailers may be more expensive from one retailer, have a higher shipping cost from one retailer and may be subject to different return policies.

All of these factors can contribute to the consumer’s overall satisfaction with the product even when we are discussing identical products because these factors influence the purchasing experience. Additionally, the reputation of the online retailer can also help to influence the consumer’s decision of whether or not to make a purchase from a particular consumer. This article will discuss comparing online retailers using factors such as price, shipping and return policies.

Using Price to Make Comparisons

Price is one of the obvious factors which consumers often use to compare retailers whether they are considering shopping online or in traditional stores. This is a very important consideration because not all retailers sell the same products for the same price. While, in general, the prices will often be similar simply because retailers are in direct competition with each other for a consumer’s business there are occasions in which one particular retailer may be offering a product at a discounted price.

These price deviations typically occur when a retailer is attempting to reduce inventory to either make room for new products or because the retailer is closing its operations. Regardless of the reason for the price reductions, consumers can benefit by purchasing items from this retailer and a lower price than they would pay with other retailers.

Consumers who are relying on price to decide between two online retailers should also verify the reputation of the online retailer before making the purchase. This is usually not an issue when the consumer is making a purchase from a nationally known chain of stores.

However, when the consumer does not know much about the online retailer it is wise to investigate the retailer to ensure it is a legitimate and reputable company. Consulting the Better Business Bureau is one way the consumer can learn more about the reputation of the company.

Considering Shipping in the Comparison

Although cost is often one of the first factors consumers consider when comparing online retailers or even traditional retailers, shipping must also be considered carefully when comparing two or more online retailers. This is because the cost of shipping as well as the shipping options can both influence the consumer’s decision. Two retailers may offer products for the same price but the shipping prices may differ from one online retailer to the next. In some cases this difference may substantially change the total price of purchasing the item.

Consumers in a traditional store do not have to worry about shipping because they simply drive to the store and leave with the item. However, online shoppers have items shipped directly to their home or another location so the cost of shipping is an important consideration.

Online retailers also sometimes have to consider the shipping methods available. This is especially important if the consumer needs to have an item arrive quickly. In these cases a consumer may opt to choose one online retailer over another if only one of the retailers offers express shipping options such as overnight shipping or two day shipping.

When the Return Policy is Important

Online shoppers should also always be aware of the return policies when they are making purchases online. This is important because the cost of returning an item can be expensive in some cases especially if it is a large or a heavy item.

While some online retailers will bear the cost of shipping when they make mistakes or items are defective, returns for other reasons may result in the consumer being responsible for shipping charges. For these reasons consumers should always carefully review the return policies when comparing two or more online retailers.