Safety tips when you shop online – II

After you make a purchase the most common complaints as reported by online shoppers is delivery problems. It may happen that your purchase takes weeks to turn up or arrive to you in a damaged condition or even do not arrive at all.

So as a measure of precaution you should make sure that your item is in stock and check the expected delivery time before you complete your transaction. Most of the good retailers notify their buyers through emails as soon as they receive your order and also when the item is being shipped or in case there are any problems or hold ups involved.

Late Delivery – If your purchased item doesn’t arrives on time you should contact the retailer to check the status of your order and if you plan to cancel it then you should find out whether they have already charged you for it because some companies process your payment before the item has been shipped and as such you are entitled to a refund.

No Delivery – It is also possible that your product never arrives to you and therefore you should put your complaint for this in writing and try to contact the retailer directly through telephone or the concerned person if necessary. You should claim for a refund and if the problems continue you can even file a complaint with the department of fair trading or consumer protection in your state.

Before you make your purchase you should check all the terms and conditions including delivery costs, your item’s in stock, whether you are entitled to refunds or repairs or if the company accepts returns or cancellations.

You should always maintain your privacy and therefore check the privacy policy of the websites even of those that are not shopping sites. Many websites collect information about you using cookies. Therefore while you provide personal details in order to access a site or make a purchase you should consider about the information you pass away. You should avoid revealing your personal information and in case you plan to use your credit card online, you should check what the company does with your banking details after you make a purchase.

For these same reasons you should keep the receipts and invoices with you to keep track of the online transactions. A good website will send you an email confirmation of your transaction as well as provide you with an opportunity to print your order.

Safety tips when you shop online – I

Safe online shopping is all about doing your homework and if you have never shopped online then start with some recommendations from your family and friends and try to find out more about the company you intend to make deal with and pass on your credit card information.

All this is important because if something goes wrong with your purchase, then the more information you have the better position you will hold of. Always look for the business street address, phone number and other information if it is a local website. If you are not sure about a company’s track record you need to do some research online whereby you can search for complaints and the company name into google forums.

When you are confident enough about a trustworthy website and you are ready to buy:

1. Check the description of the product, price including the cost of delivery, currency and taxes and other warranty details. Good shopping sites shall give you an opportunity to confirm or reject your order before you pay for it.

2. Check for the method of payment such as credit card, money order, cheque etc. In most of the cases it is always safe to pay through credit card such as Visa, Master card that all have chargeback schemes and won’t hold you liable for any undelivered goods or unauthorized transactions.

3. You should confirm that the website has a secure checkout because Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is the most frequent technology used to secure shopping websites. This is because it encrypts your personal information as it passes over the web.

4. Check the place where your details shall be stored later because some online businesses store them on a secure server or destroy them once the transaction is processed.

Online shopping tips

Online shopping has become very common among people who know that it saves their time and money both. It doesn’t means that you start searching endlessly for bargains online because there are many other easy ways too.

It may be anything for which you shop online ranging from clothes, gifts, computers or electronics you will always look for some bargain or sort of reasonable discount. A discount coupon is indeed a smart way to save money at the same time it is also available easily. Gone are the day’s when you had to wait for the Sunday newspapers and magazines to clip these coupons. Now you can get discount coupons from various online websites and entertainment coupon books.

Online discount coupon sites provide great rebates, offers and bargains to the shoppers however you need to take the following safety tips if you are a beginner:

1. You should stay away from online coupon websites that ask you for your personal information so as to print your discount coupon. Because you have a chance to get 100 of spam mails fro each discount coupon they give.

2. Keep away from discount coupon sites that have too many pop ups attached to it since they are annoying and can download viruses to freeze your computer.

3. Online printable coupons and coupon codes are free, so do not think of paying to any of the online coupon sites who provide you with these coupons.

4. Many websites offer freebies or deals which you may find irresistible but remember that there is nothing wrong in freebies but you should be vigilant and not naive. Don’t waste your time in idiotic scams.

5. Never complete online surveys to get free stuff or discount coupon codes unless they are from any of the reputable companies.

Last-Minute Shoppers Rejoice: The Gift Card Can Save You

Despite their best intentions to finish holiday shopping early, many consumers end up waiting until the last minute: One in five people anticipate they won’t finish their holiday shopping until the week before Christmas or until Christmas Eve, according to a survey conducted by Blockbuster.

The gift card, the quintessential last-minute gift, continues to be a popular choice among both givers and receivers.

A survey conducted by Deloitte & Touche found that 80 percent of adults received at least one gift card last year, with most averaging 3.2 gift cards during the holiday season. Additionally, a majority of consumers indicated in a 2004 National Retail Federation holiday survey that they would like to receive gift cards for the holidays.

Most retailers have gift cards available for last-minute shoppers. Entertainment, specifically movies and games, is one area where gift-givers are not likely to go wrong.

This year, Blockbuster is offering several holiday-themed gift cards at its 4,500 locations across the U.S. Seasonal cards include $25 and $15 gift cards, ideal for last-minute gifts for the baby sitter or a co-worker, while a five-pack of $5 cards lets you stock up on stocking stuffers or quick gifts for kids. You also can choose your own amount on gift cards with seasonal designs, such as snowflakes and gift boxes.

Additionally, all Blockbuster gift cards come with their own carriers, letting you address them to your loved ones instead of having to buy a greeting card.

With its large inventory of movie rentals, new DVDs and popular video games, the company is a boon to last-minute shoppers looking for gifts for several people on their list. For ultimate procrastinators, most Blockbuster stores are open every day of the year, including Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

How to shop online for Fireplaces, Stoves & Accessories

Fireplaces and fireplace mantels are fast becoming a core feature in homes across the world as they add a real feature point to any formal or indeed casual living area. Funnily enough fireplaces have had a relatively short history, considering that fire itself has been around for hundreds of thousands of years.

Fireplaces only became common in 1367, when a gentleman while visiting in Rome, was dismayed at the fire pit in his room so he ordered his servants to build a chimney. They did so, adding his coat of arms above the two fireplace mantels. That fireplace is now part of history as ever since it has been the model of almost any room with a fireplace.

Not all fireplaces have mantels, of course. Most do however have either, a single shelf, a marble or tile surround, or a traditional wood carving. Accessories such as mantels, iron tools, guards and screens are an important decorative feature of fireplaces and can often set the tone of a room. And indeed the mantel itself has become a real focal point of rooms as they allow photos, antiques and family heirlooms to take pride of place within the room. Between the style of fireplace mantels, gas grills and wood burning stoves and their surrounds, you either define a room from the start or give it an entirely new look you’ll enjoy for years.

Fireplaces, which can increase the value of your home, are more than ever the focal point of a room. The style of fireplace mantels and its décor, whether stone, marble or finely carved classic moulds sets the tone and character of your home. To enhance your fireplace you may opt to include classical or oriental rugs, antique furniture, and traditional elements. Then again, you might favours abstract paintings, art deco, or even a glass-screen.The choice is really up to you and is about personal choice. It ultimatly depends on how you want to use your fireplace within the room – as a feature or a backdrop.

Fireplaces can be purchased online from any number of internet shopping malls. Consistently browse online stores, looking for the best price, as they often update their prices. Many online stores include thumbnail sketches of rooms with fireplaces installed, so you can see what the installation looks like.

How To Shop For Satin In 3 Easy Steps

This may not be something that you usually think of when shopping for satin. But the internet can be a fantastic place to start your quest for satin fabric and satin products (such as satin sheets). We live in a highly interconnected world these days and just because your local store sells satin, it doesn’t mean they have a monopoly on the market. There are people and small businesses as far away as Thailand that have take to the web (and especially Ebay) to sell their satin goods online. Here are some tips that we’ve come up with to help you in your satin shopping strategy.

1) Use price comparisons on Ebay. I use this trick all the time. First search for ‘satin’ or ‘satin sheets.’ Next, run the search again but check the ‘show only buy-it-now items’ box. This will bring up a much smaller list of satin items with the amount that the seller will be willing to part with the items for. This can really help in price comparisons due to the fact that these will often be fairly reduced prices compared to what you will see advertised in traditional retail shops.

2) Don’t forget to check the different shopping specific search engines. I just a quick search on Froogle for the terms ‘satin’ and more than 675,000 results were found! Wow, that’s a lot. There probably aren’t that many vendors selling satin. However, let’s conservatively estimate that 10% of these results have products that we could conceivably purchase. You could conduct price comparisons here just like you would on Ebay. And in fact, you could even compare the prices between Froogle and Ebay to ensure you are getting the best deal possible.

3)Learn about the ins and outs of satin before buying any (or any satin products). Points 1) and 2) are great if, and only if, you know what you are looking at. There are tons of different things to learn about this versatile fabric. Get educated about the different types of satin available online and then figure out exactly what is the good stuff and what isn’t. You’ll be well ahead of the competition if you just put in the time to learn about satin.

Five Questions To Consider When Shopping For The Perfect Gift

When buying a gift for someone, try to make sure the gift would be something that person would like. Never go out and buy just any gift. Your goal is to make sure the person would see the gift as a present that someone took the time to buy and think about.

For example if you know a person does not like fishing but you see some fishing rods on sale, don’t buy one just to get your gift shopping done. Ask yourself some questions about the person you’re buying for that will give clues as to how to find the perfect gift for them.

Here is a list of 5 questions to consider when looking for a perfect gift.

1. What does the person like to do? This is probably the most important question to ask yourself. For example if he or she liked boating, look for gifts in a nautical theme. Or if family was most important to that person, buy them a picture frame for their favorite photographs. A great gift idea for a person who likes to cook can be a selection of the newest kitchen gadgets.

2. Where does the person hang out? This is a great way to get ideas. If the person likes to go to baseball games, you can get them a gift having to do with their favorite teams such as a jersey or cap. If a coffee shop is their favorite hangout you could buy them a gift card or a coffee lovers gift basket. Use the places you know they visit as clues to what they like.

3. How would the person use the gift? You have to make sure the person has the capability of using the gift. For example if the person lives in Florida, don’t buy them skiing equipment. Try some beach equipment or tropical themed items.

4. Why would the gift make this person happy? Think about what the person finds enjoyable. If the person likes reading, buy them a book on their favorite hobby or a gift card at a local book store such as Barnes & Noble or Borders. If that person is happiest riding around in their car, you could buy them a car related item such as car seat covers or car cleanup kit.

5. Who would the person use the gift with? If the person likes to be by themselves, a board game would probably not be a good gift idea. Look for something that they could enjoy themselves such as a movie or music. On the other hand, the perfect gift idea for someone who always has a lot of people around just may be the latest board game.

A fantastic place to look for great gift ideas is the internet. There are plenty of sites that will give you great gift ideas. You can actually buy the items online or maybe you prefer to do your gift shopping at the local mall. Whatever the case remember that the little things you consider about the person will make a big hit in the perfect gift you select.

Catalogue Shopping For The Perfect Cookware For Your Kitchen

Are you in the market for cookware? Are you also a person who maintains a very full schedule — do you find yourself trying to juggle the demands of work and family? Have you essentially concluded that you simply do not have time to take up an extra activities, even something which might seem simple on the surface like looking for and finding the perfect cookware for your home kitchen.

If that is the case, all is not lost. There are options available to you that will permit you to purchase the type of cookware items that will best meet your needs — and you will not need to unnecessarily overload your own schedule in the process. One option that you will want to consider in your hunt for cookware when you are living life on a tight schedule is catalogue shopping for cookware for your kitchen.

When it comes to catalogue shopping for cookware, you do have a number of options available to you. For example, if you are interested in high end cookware products for your kitchen and for your home, there are now some wonderful merchants that market their wares through catalogues.

At the other end of the spectrum, if you are a person who wants to save money, if you are living on a more restrictive budget, there are now some excellent companies that sell a wide array of different cookware and kitchenware products via catalogues.

In addition to companies that market their wares exclusively through catalogues, many major retailers in the brick and mortar world now also market their own inventory of products through catalogues.

When shopping through catalogues, most companies now charge only a minimal fee for shipping and handling. Indeed, in some instances, if you purchase over a minimum amount of products, products that cost over a minimum amount of money, the catalogue vendor will charge you nothing additional for shipping and handling. In addition, most catalogue companies also provide you with a toll free number through which you can phone a catalogue merchant and order those cookware products that you desire at no additional charge to you.

Finally, catalogue shopping allows for you to purchase products with a guarantee. In other words, if you receive the product and are not satisfied with what you obtain when you receive the product, you can return the cookware purchased — the merchant paying the return shipping.

Bringing Elegance To Any Address: Online Gift Shopping

Shopping online for a unique gift can be a rewarding experience. Traffic, parking and door dings are never an issue. You wont even need to gas up at the local filling station. Send a gift overnight across the country with just a few clicks of the mouse. A broad selection of gifts and save money too, how can that be?

Newlyweds become oldyweds, and oldyweds are the reasons that families work.

You have looked through a few catalogues and visited a few stores, but very few have the cut crystal you are looking for. An anniversary gift is needed, but you’re struggling to find something that is just right. The box stores down the road don’t seem to have what you’re looking for and you’ve determined that a glass gift is what you want to give to commemorate a special anniversary.

With all the thought and affection that you desire to convey in an anniversary gift, it would be a shame to simply settle for something because you are unsure where to go or what to do next.

An online specialty gift store provides many truly unique anniversary gift ideas. The admiration you have for the recipients of an anniversary gift is far beyond ordinary, which is why you should never settle for less than the best kitchen gift selection for anniversary gift giving.

Whether a couple is just starting out their lives together or they are celebrating their 25th anniversary, you have the option of providing a gift that will be long remembered in the place where the couple will spend a good deal of their time – in the kitchen.

By a couple’s 25th anniversary they may have spent as many as 27,000 meals together. If those meals were enjoyed around the family table, we discover a setting that is uniquely memorable for each family member. A wife may have told her husband she was expecting at that table, a child more than likely ate their first solid food around that table or spoke their first word. Many conversations took place that tried and tested the couple in the flames of adversity. In the end, the happiest moments spent around that table are most remembered.

Such anniversary gifts provide a sense of caring and originality. They are useful longer than most other gifts and are most likely to be a gift that the recipient is thrilled to receive.

An exclusive kitchen gift conveys a sense of originality and caring that is rarely matched with a gift from general retail outlets.

An anniversary is a time to celebrate the blending of two lives in a common bond and journey. An anniversary gift should reflect that celebration by combining quality, personality and elegance in equal measure. Nothing about an anniversary is common – neither should your gift.

When you are searching for a unique kitchen gift for an anniversary, give online shopping a try. You are likely to find a quality gift that is hand selected and tastefully received.

With online shopping there is no need to find a good parking spot, the traffic is generally friendly and when it comes to checking out, you’re always first in line.

As urban sprawl continues, online shopping becomes an even more important time saver. And for those who live in rural areas online shopping has benefits because of its ability to bring world class and elegance to any address.

When you need anniversary gifts try online shopping first, you may find exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Back to School: Shopping Tips

Back to School sales seem to start almost as soon as your kids leave school for the summer. For parents, these sales are one of the best ways to save money and save big. Let’s take a look at some the ways for you to realize savings as you prepare to send your children off to school.

1. Sales. Yes, Back to School sales are still real bargains for parents. The national retail chains such as, WalMart, Target, Sears, JC Penney, and KMart all run sales, as well as do the “pharmacy” chains including: CVS, Walgreens, and Eckerds. The former group of stores are great places to shop for clothing and bookbags while the latter group will feature cut rate school supplies.

2. Dollar Stores. Almost every town across America has the “one dollar” stores where everything is, you guessed it, sold for one dollar. Many of these stores are hit or miss as far as what they carry or what they have available. Some items, even at a dollar, are much more expensive than those found “on sale” at regular retailers.

3. Close Outs. Your kids may protest, but the close out stores — Odd Lots and Big Lots to name two — will carry items your family can use. Sure, the clothing may be way out of style, but lunchboxes, pens, stationary, bookbags, and the like generally are not.

4. Hand Me Downs. Big bro or big sis may have articles of clothing or items they no longer use. If they are gently worn/used consider passing these things on to your younger kids.

5. Garage and Yard Sales. Your child’s lunchbox or calculator may be found at your neighbor’s sale instead of at a retailer. Expect prices to be 50-90% less than full retail.

6. Consignment Shops. Did someone say, Salvation Army? Okay, this is a bit of a stretch. Your kids will probably scream if you take them to a consignment shop, so you can go instead. More than likely what you buy will be for your personal use. Use the money saved to purchase the Nike shoes for your sophomore.

7. Tax Free Weeks. If you live in an area of high sales taxes on clothing, wait for a special “tax free week” to come around to save on purchases. New York City, for instance, is one of the cities with a tax free week. At 8.25%, this particularly high sales tax rate often causes residents to flee the city and drive to New Jersey where there is no tax on clothing. Save on gas, tolls, and time, as well as prop up your local economy by waiting for these special weeks.

There are other ways for you to save money on school supplies including shopping online or by buying in bulk. Back to School shouldn’t mean back in debt provided you shop carefully and wisely.