Back to School Shopping For Smart Spenders

SchoolBudgetAs we look forward to cooling temperatures, heating costs will rise. And with today’s rising energy and food costs, back to school shopping lists – which can call for anything from unleaded pencils to laptop computers – can look costly.

But no one has to mortgage their home to buy new backpacks or sneakers – there are smart ways to manage back to school spending. Discover Card offers these five tips for parents looking to shop savvy this fall:

1. Decide What Your Kids Need.

Many schools send letters listing the supplies students need at the beginning of the year. Use your child’s school supply list to determine what new items are absolute necessities.

Start looking for deals on the must-haves as early as possible. When shopping, stick to your list. Impulse buying and adding on “extras” are the quickest ways to negate any savings you find.

2. Take an Inventory. Using your list of necessities, take an inventory of what your family already owns. Last year’s lunchbox or fall coat, unless broken or outgrown, will still work. You may have extra notebooks, pens or pencils that your child can use.

3. Create a Budget. A budget keeps parents on track and teaches kids wise spending. Explain the budget to your child and encourage them to help you stick to it. As an incentive, offer them a reward, like allowing them to purchase a treat with the extra money saved. Even better, put the extra money into a savings account.

4. Shop on Tax-Free Days. Fourteen states and the District of Columbia offer tax holidays for back-to-school shopping. Shoppers pay no sales tax on items such as books, clothes, electronics and school supplies. Check your state’s official Web site to see if and when your state offers tax-free days.

5. Search Multiple Stores and Don’t Forget the Web. Compare stores by searching weekly circulars. If you don’t want to run from store to store to track down bargains, see if your favorite retailer matches competitors’ prices.

Search for discounts on the Web. Many stores offer online-only specials and free shipping. Some online shopping portals, like, offer 5 percent or more cashback bonus on online purchases made through their site at top department stores, clothing and sports-equipment retailers.

To find out more about how Discover Card helps its cardmembers make their money go further, visit

The Pursuit of Happier Shopping: Americans Aim for Affordability

HappierShoppingAccording to Nielsen forecasts for 2010, consumers will continue to be frugal with their spending habits as the jobless recovery, like the government bailouts, hasn’t yet affected their finances. Considering this, it’s not a surprise that a lot of American consumers are putting more effort into learning how to better budget their finances and pay less when it comes to shopping. The lesson is a hard one, but it pays off if shoppers learn to make smart purchases that will help them get the most for their money.

Whether it be for high-end items or food, people are trying to stretch the value of their dollar. This is especially true with clothing. In a time when a pair of jeans can cost more than $100, some clothing brands realize the need for affordable quality clothing — and both loyal and new customers are heeding the savings.

The Wrangler brand is one of those companies offering value in a variety of durable men’s jeans, pants and shirts — all retailing for less than $20 and available nationwide at mass-market retailers like Walmart. Today, one out of every five pair of jeans sold in the United States bears a Wrangler label.

Even with this smart shopping, Americans continue to be cautious with every dollar they spend.

“While the economic climate has shown some improvement, retailers are not out of the woods yet,” said Phil Rist, executive vice president, strategic initiatives, BIGresearch. “With a variety of factors still up in the air, including uncertainty over job security, many Americans just aren’t buying into the talk of recovery and are looking for great prices and high quality in their product purchases.”

To help Americans feel more confident when making spending decisions, companies like Wrangler strive for customer satisfaction. As a statement of the brand’s commitment to high standards, Wrangler extends a full one-year warranty on all of its clothing with a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee so consumers know they can count on the color, shape, fabric and construction maintaining the high-end look and feel — even without the high-end cost.

To learn more about the brand’s affordable offerings, visit

Tips to Becoming a Technology-Savvy Shopper

Baker_TechBuyGuideMany adults grew up in a world without the Internet, cell phones or personal computers, and often find themselves lost in the ever-changing realm of technology.

Today, students carry laptops and numerous gadgets that ring, buzz and sing, which leaves a number of adults at a loss when it comes to shopping for the younger generation.

So, in an effort to help parents and adults navigate the technology maze, we’ve compiled a list of buying tips.

* Cell Phones vs. Smartphones: With the ability to send and receive calls and the ever-popular text messages as well as take photographs and browse the Internet, both cell phones and smartphones have similar features.

Smartphones, like the Blackberry and Treo, take things one step further by including full keyboards and software that tracks appointments, manages contacts and performs a host of other business-level functions.

While smartphone software can be useful, it can also become a distraction for students. So, unless your student is a budding entrepreneur, a standard cell phone with a plan that includes both calling and texting is ideal.

* Mac vs. PC: Mac or PC? While PCs are more widespread, Macs are user-friendly and perfect for editing and downloading photos, music and videos. Macs also tend to be more secure because they are less likely to become infected with annoying viruses or spyware. PCs, however, are more affordable and have a wider variety of programs and games available.

But who says you have to choose? You can get the best of both worlds by purchasing a Mac computer and downloading Parallels Desktop for Mac ( The software enables users to run both Windows and Mac applications at the same time on any new Mac computer.

* Ask the Experts: Hopefully you’re feeling more prepared to take a stroll through your local electronics store. If need more ammunition, you can also consult feedback from students and teachers.

Each year, Project Tomorrow, through its NetDay Speak Up research project, surveys students in kindergarten through 12th grade, as well as teachers, to determine which technologies they are using. For more information, visit

Make the most of your next shopping trip

shopping-tripWith the economy on the rebound, shopping trips are once again becoming an indulgence for men and women alike. Responsible shoppers know to spend within their means, but shopping excursions can still be enjoyable even for those shoppers with limited budgets. The following are a handful of ways shoppers can make the most of their next shopping trips.

* Employ the buddy system. Most activities are made more enjoyable when friends are along for the ride, and shopping is no exception. Shopping with friends can make the trip more fun, and friends can offer their opinions on everything from clothing to appliances. In addition, friends can discourage one another from spending beyond their means.

* Comparison shop. Many shoppers feel that finding a good deal is the most fun part of shopping. Anyone can walk in off the street and pay full price for an item, but savvy shoppers pride themselves on finding the best deals. Shoppers can start their comparison shopping even before they visit their favorite retailers, comparing online prices with the prices they are likely to pay in-store. Such research may also unearth sales that are not heavily advertised, netting shoppers even more savings. Shoppers who find items at heavy discounts online may even be able to find retailers who will match those discounts in-store. But that requires shoppers do their homework first.

* Take advantage of retailer apps. Many retailers now have their own smartphone apps, which can net shoppers even more savings. Before heading downtown to shop till they drop, shoppers should download apps from their favorite retailers. Such apps can alert shoppers to any sales and may even make them eligible for special discounts available only to the smartphone users who have downloaded the store app. In addition to retailer-specific apps, shoppers may be able to take advantage of coupon apps that collect information on various in-store and online promotions and alert customers to such deals when they are within spitting distance of the stores. Such apps are typically free and can save shoppers substantial amounts of money.

* Develop a plan. Once they have set aside a day for some retail therapy, shoppers should plan where they want to shop and make a list of what they need. Shoppers can still make some time for window shopping, but spending too much time gazing into store windows can cost shoppers time to purchase those things they truly need. Make a list of stores anyone going on the trip wants to visit, and then allow yourselves ample time to get what you need and gaze at what you want.

Many shoppers find their shopping trips are now few and far between. But there are ways that savvy shoppers can still visit their favorite retailers without busting their budgets.

Shop early for Communion needs

warm-weatherWarm weather and blooming flowers are telltale signs that spring has arrived. Another such sign that spring is upon us is a church brimming with children decked out in their white Communion finery. Once Communion dates have been announced, the rush is on for families to get all of the necessary supplies to celebrate such a momentous event.

Communion season can mean big business for retailers, including clothing stores, florists and party centers. But stores also realize that many shoppers would like to get a head start on making plans before the rush sets in, and some begin to advertise Communion sales as early as mid-winter. Shopping early can have its benefits.


Hundreds of children will be heading to area stores to find their suits and dresses for the big day. Shop early so you have the pick of the litter, including the greatest variety of styles and sizes. The closer the calendar moves to Communion day, the fewer items will be available. This may mean making concessions on price or style or having to travel further away from home to find the what you need.


While many items can be purchased off the rack, alterations may be necessary. Unless there is a seamstress or a tailor in the family, alterations must be handled by a professional. Chances are during the spring, when Communion and wedding season begins, these vendors book up quite quickly. To ensure your alterations will be done in time for the ceremony, you will need to allow ample time for alterations and fittings, so shopping early can be to your advantage.


The spring season is not only synonymous with Communion ceremonies. It also is a popular time for couples to tie the knot, and many colleges and universities also host graduations around this time. Therefore, if you are planning to hire a professional photographer to do portraiture or capture candids during the Communion ceremony, book well in advance so you can secure the photographer of your choice.


Communions are often celebrated with extended members of the family. Parties, lunches or dinners are generally part of the revelry after the ceremony has ended. A number of patrons will be vying for accommodations in area restaurants and banquet halls for their celebrations, and the competition can be quite stiff. Do not procrastinate in booking a party location if you plan to have a dinner outside of the home. Make sure you have a written contract with a restaurant or caterer so that you are ensured your party will go on without a hitch and you’re locked in for the date and time of your choosing. Searching for a restaurant last-minute may force you to settle for what’s available, and this may mean a menu that you do not like or a price point that is more than you may have wanted to spend.


Communion season is a busy time of year. Families may be planning their own parties and celebrations. While some conflicts cannot be avoided, there are ways to minimize scheduling snafus. Save-the-date cards and invitations should be sent as early as possible. This allows guests to plan for Communion parties and keep their calendars open. Realize that there still may be people who cannot attend because of other obligations, but at least you will have made every effort to give ample notice during a particularly busy time of year.

The earlier individuals can reserve vendors and shop for Communion essentials, the more options they will have at their disposal during a busy and festive time of year.

How to streamline grocery shopping

grocery-shoppingGrocery shopping is a part of life, and whether trips to the local supermarket are a daily, weekly or monthly occurrence, such excursions can be time-consuming.

Data from the American Time Use Survey, which measures how much time people spend shopping among other things, indicates that people have spent less time shopping since the recession began in 2008, and many people might want to continue this trend of spending less time at the store even as their finances recover. The following are some simple strategies for those who want to do just that.

* Embrace e-commerce offerings. Grocery stores have joined the ranks of other retailers in making it easy for customers to shop for food online. Individuals can browse for sales, shop according to the weekly circular and create lists that make it easier for them to track their purchases.

Another change in how we shop for groceries concerns how the food we purchase makes it into our refrigerators and pantries. Many grocery chains now offer delivery service, and some even have personal shopping services in which customers fill out their orders online, and a store employee gathers all of the groceries. The customer then arrives to pick up and pay for their groceries at a predetermined time. Utilizing such services can curb impulse buys and drastically reduce the time shoppers spend in stores.

* Make a list. Making a list before heading to the store remains one of the biggest time savers when shopping for groceries. A list helps shoppers cut back on the time they spend wandering around a store and wondering what they do or don’t need. Shoppers can even take things one step further by coordinating their list to a store’s layout, which reduces the likelihood that shoppers will make several trips down the same aisle.

* Bring only the coupons you are likely to use. Instead of toting along your entire coupon portfolio, bring only those coupons you plan to use. This allows you to get in and out of the store without rifling through circulars or coupon organizers.

* Shop the perimeter of the store. Shoppers interested in fresh foods should concentrate their shopping efforts on the perimeter of the store. This is typically where fresh produce, meats, poultry, bakery items, and dairy products are kept. Packaged, processed foods are usually kept in the interior aisles.

* Visit during off-peak hours. Avoid stores on the first day of a sale, when your fellow shoppers will be eager to stock up. In addition, try to avoid shopping on the first or last day of the month, when paychecks or government benefit checks arrive. Shopping when school lets out in the afternoon is another busy time of day at many grocery stores. If you truly want to save time, shop late in the evening or in the early morning when stores are less hectic and checkout lines won’t be as long.

* Go it alone. Some shoppers may benefit by flying solo when grocery shopping. It’s often quicker to move through a store when you are on your own.

* Scan as you go. Some stores allow shoppers to scan their groceries as they put them in their carts. The scan gun is linked to their shopping rewards card. When shoppers are ready to go, the shopper then scans a bar code and the entire purchase history gets sent to the register for check-out. This concept cuts down on the time shoppers spend in line.

Dress shopping tips for plus-sized brides-to-be

Weddings are special days for couples tying the knot. But even the most carefully planned wedding requires some patience and perseverance.

For brides-to-be, finding the right gown is one element of wedding planning that calls for patience and persistence. Trial and error is often part of the process as women look for the perfect wedding gown. Brides-to-be who have a specific style in mind may find that their dream gown doesn’t always live up to expectations, while another style of dress they never imagined wearing turns out to be a stunner.

Another challenge many women face when gown shopping is that many wedding gowns are styled and geared toward women with slender figures, making the process of selecting a gown for a curvier bride a bit more difficult. But any bride, regardless of size or figure, can find the ideal dress, especially when she employs the following tips.

* Sample sizes fit a select few. Bridal shops carry a range of dresses but may only stock one or two sample dresses. For economy, these samples are a median size that are intended to fit as many shoppers as possible. Such gowns are usually in the neighborhood of a size 10. Most women, whether petite or plus-size, will not fit into the sample, so do not get discouraged.

* Visit large retail chains. Popular wedding dress chains, such as David’s Bridal, may have a wider selection of sample dresses in larger sizes. Department stores as well as designers who specialize in plus-size gowns also make good resources.

* Call bridal stores in advance to schedule your visits. Your time is precious, so call bridal shops prior to visiting and explain to them your size and what you are looking for in a gown. This will ensure you aren’t wasting your time driving to stores that can’t provide what you want.

* Select the right fabrics. Heavier fabrics like taffeta, silk dupioni and satin may conceal better than others and can be ruched to camouflage areas you want to minimize.

* Use salespeople as a resource. The right salesperson can make wedding shopping much easier and far more pleasant. Don’t rest until you find someone who is excited to work with you and will give you his or her honest opinion and recommendations.

* Dresses can be altered. Every bride needs some alterations made to her dress to achieve the perfect fit. Plus-sized brides may need a few extras. A dress is unlikely to meet all of your needs right off the rack, so find a good seamstress who can alter your dress to meet your needs. Sleeves can be put on, dresses can be shortened, support can be added, and many customizations can be done to a gown post-production.

* Find a flattering shape. Choose a gown with a full-skirt or an A-line skirt with an empire or a dropped-waist seam that will elongate your midriff and flow away from your hips. Curvier brides typically avoid strapless gowns, as such dresses have a tendency to make a woman’s shoulders and arms look wider.

* Don’t get stuck on size. Sizes vary widely depending on the manufacturer. Wedding gowns tend to be labeled with couture sizes, which are much smaller than street sizes. A good salesperson should have a reasonable conversion chart or will choose sizes based on your measurements alone. Ignore the size on the tag and go for the gown that fits.

* Never settle for less. Whether it’s a gown that’s not flattering or a salesperson who is rude or chastises you for not being the ideal size, do not settle for anything less than a great gown and attentive service. Bridal stores compete for business, so if a given shop does not meet your expectations, don’t hesitate to work with a rival store.

How shopping locally can help you and your community

shopping-locallyToday’s consumers have more shopping options at their disposal than they did in years past. Though the Internet may put the world at one’s fingertips, more and more shoppers are discovering that buying locally makes for a superior shopping experience.

The benefits associated with shopping locally are many, and the following are just a few reasons why shoppers may want to look no further than their own communities when planning their next shopping excursions.

Keeps money in the local economy

Locally-owned businesses often put a larger share of their revenue back into their communities. Small business owners may be more inclined to employ local residents, giving more people in the community solid employment. Business owners may reach out and support other neighborhood efforts, such as fundraising initiatives for charities and schools. By shopping at local stores, you have a hand in supporting these efforts as well.

Save money

When factoring in travel time and the cost of fuel, shopping locally makes more sense than driving to a faraway mall. In addition, repeat customers who establish a rapport with a local business owner may find that such owners are more inclined to price match or work with loyal customers to find lower prices through suppliers.

Diversify your home and lifestyle

Shoppers who prefer more unique styles may find local businesses cater to their needs better than large chain stores. Larger retailers offer the same products to customers regardless of where those customers live, so a person in California may be decorating his or her home with the same furnishings as a person in North Carolina. But local shops tend to produce more unique items that are not available nationwide.

Promote entrepreneurship

Small businesses are an essential element to the country’s economic growth. By shopping locally, consumers are showing their support for this important segment of the national economy.

Help establish local pride

Independent shops contribute to the fabric of a community and what makes it special and unique. Tourists and other visitors will be much more inclined to remember a local shop rather than a big chain in a particular neighborhood. When travelers want to get a feel for a community, they seek out small, local stores that are much more likely to stock a high percentage of locally-sourced goods.

Attract other businesses

Private and public sector businesses tend to gravitate around anchor stores. Should a local store be successful, banks, restaurants, salons, and other businesses may move in as well.

Shopping locally benefits consumers in various ways, many of which contribute to a healthy local economy.

Online Shopping for Clothing

There are a variety of online retailers selling clothing. This includes traditional stores that also have online stores as well as retailers who operate exclusively online. Shopping for clothing online is very popular especially for those consumers who do not have sufficient time to visit traditional stores and spend time browsing and trying on clothing. It is also a popular option for consumers seeking an outfit for a special occasion who have not been satisfied with the options they found available to them in local traditional stores. This article will supply information on some of the popular online retailers of clothing as well as information on selecting clothing items online and dealing with items that do not fit properly.

Popular Online Retailers for Clothing

The majority of major traditional stores that sell clothing also have an online version of their store where consumers can browse through the inventory, make purchases and have items shipped directly to them or to friends or family members. Examples of popular traditional stores who also offer online versions of their store include Old Navy, Banana Republic, Abercrombie and Fitch and Ann Taylor. Additionally, department stores such as Target, Macy’s and JCPenny which do not exclusively sell clothing make their clothing, as well as other products, available through the online versions of their stores. Shoppers who opt to peruse the online stores for clothing may find a greater selection than there is available in traditional stores. The online stores may have items available which are only available online. Additionally, the online stores may have access to a greater inventory unlike traditional stores which may run out of popular sizes rather quickly.

Choosing Online Clothing Options Carefully

When purchasing clothing online, consumers have to be somewhat cautious. This is because it may be difficult to tell how well a clothing item will fit without trying it on first. Also, it can be difficult to assess the texture or color of clothing when shopping online. Online shoppers should read product descriptions carefully and pay particular attention to sizing charts when shopping online for clothing. This will help the consumer to make wise choices.

Online shoppers should also pay attention to the description of the cut of clothing items and should carefully compare these descriptions to the photos displayed on the website of the online retailer. This is an important consideration because consumers may prefer certain cuts which are more flattering to them while other cuts may not look as appealing. Paying particular attention to this information will help the consumer make wise decisions when shopping for clothing online.

When the Shoe Doesn’t Fit

Despite a consumer’s best intentions, there may be times in which they purchase clothing items they have to return because they do not fit well or simply because the consumer changes his mind about the item after making the purchase. For this reason, all online shoppers should carefully review the return policies of online clothing retailers before making purchases. Most online retailers will take items back regardless of the reason for the return but some of them may only assume responsibility for the shipping fees associated with the return if the item is defective. However, there are some online retailers that will not accept returns on certain items and the consumer should be aware of these restrictions before making a purchase.

Great gifts for people who love to read

love-to-readMany people love to read, and such people do not often cause headaches for holiday shoppers. Readers typically are easy to shop for come the holiday season, when shoppers stuck on what to get a friend or family member can always fall back on a book or two if they know their loved one likes to get lost in a good book.

But books aren’t the only gifts shoppers can give the readers on their lists this holiday season. The following are a few gift ideas no book lover can balk at.

· E-reader: Before buying an e-reader, shoppers may want to first learn where the intended recipient of this thoughtful gift stands on the book versus e-reader debate. Some book lovers feel a sentimental attachment to traditional books, while others love the versatility of e-readers, many of which serve as tablets that allow users to peruse the Internet, play games and, of course, read books. If your friend or family member does not have an aversion to e-readers, then this might make the ideal gift. The price of e-readers varies depending on their capabilities, but you can expect to spend anywhere from $50 to several hundred dollars depending on which model you ultimately choose.

· Storage: For those readers who prefer traditional books, a new bookshelf can help them store their favorite titles. Books take up a lot of space, and avid readers tend to buy many new books each year, so homeowners and apartment dwellers alike will no doubt appreciate the extra space to store their collections. But even e-reader enthusiasts may find their storage filling up faster than they might have liked. To remedy that problem, holiday shoppers can buy a Wi-Drive with ample extra storage space so readers who keep both books and movies on their e-readers and tablets have plenty of extra space to store all of those new books they plan to read in the coming year.

· Decorative bookends: Those who have a passion for books and home décor might appreciate a unique set of handcrafted bookends to store the books they keep on their desks or those they keep out as decorative accents that guests can enjoy when visiting. Such gifts will please your friends or family members who have a flare for interior decorating while also appealing to their love of literature.

· Book club membership: A membership to a Book of the Month Club may be right up the alleys of those readers who read too fast to join a local reading group or simply don’t have the time to devote to a community book club. Such memberships often sell classic titles and the latest bestsellers at a fraction of the cost of the publisher-established prices, and members typically can order as many books as they would like. This can be a great way for readers to find new titles and keep the books coming in without breaking the bank.

Avid readers are passionate about their books, and holiday shoppers can feed those passions by giving their favorite readers gifts that indulge their love of literature this holiday season.